Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Furious Magician

Or, a Conversation with Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve.

Dooce sez:

Jon heard me playing it on my computer and was so disturbed by the sound of it that he walked over and we watched it together, over and over again, and then we spent the next eight hours quoting it to each other and laughing until we cried. And then late last night we both reached the conclusion that this is a pretty good litmus test for relationships, because you're either going to love this video or despise it. And I could see someone going, you know what? I can't believe you think that this piece of crap is funny, and the fact that you do makes everything else you do so much more annoying. ... And everything that has ever gone wrong between this someone and their significant other comes right up to the surface, all because these two kids had to go and give the world this present:

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