Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Future is Now, Vol. LXV

The three key components required for scifi level gene manipulation:
  1. High speed gene sequencer, check.
  2. In vivo gene transfer methodology, coming.
  3. DNA fabricator, check.
The goal of being able to program biochemical reactions as precisely and easily as computers crunch numbers and process words has moved a giant step closer.
A group at the California Institute of Technology, led by biomolecular engineer Niles Pierce, has created a DNA-based fabricator.
This is a system that allows the team to specify a piece of DNA with a desired shape and function, and then execute a molecular program to assemble it in a test tube. As an example, they used their system to construct a piece of DNA that walks along another strip of DNA.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Future is Now, Vol. LXIV

Anti-TNF treatment sparks "immediate improvement" in patient with established Alzheimer's dementia. Wow.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year 2008

"The wildwood all a-frost with newfall'n snows
And all a-red the holly-berry glows..."

Margate Park, New Year's morning 2008

Happy 2007

"The wildwood all afrost with newfalln snows

And all a-red the holly"